I'm no longer alone in the house most of the time. Our oldest has moved home with her two kids, so I'm back taking care of them while she's at work. I had to clean out the two extra bedrooms we had, which resulted in weeks of shredding old bills and unimportant things that went back to 1999. We also had to clean up a bunch of things in the loft above the garage to store a lot of her things, so I've made a few trips to donate used clothing, etc. While it's nice to have those things that I've know needed to be done but have been putting off done, it's quite a change for me! Tab's got a new job working at a pre-school, which is the perfect job for her and she's really enjoying it. We weren't able to get the kids changed to the bus in our neighborhood with out them changing schools, so we still go back to the old neighborhood for them to get on/off the bus. Her car has had problems for a long time, but they never took care of them, so Todd's got someone he used to work with trying to figure out what all is wrong with it. That means, of course, that she's without a car, so I get to take the kids to the bus stop in the morning, take tab to work, get the kids at the bus stop in the afternoon, then go get her at work later. Before she gets off work, I make sure the kids get their homework done and make supper, so in other words, I'm her wife. lol
I'm really enjoying having her and the kids here and it's been long enough (5 weeks) that we've pretty much settled into a routine. We always try to do something fun on the weekends, so the weekend before Columbus Day, we set up our tent for them to play in.
Luckily, Todd's been VERY supportive. Considering he's not her biological dad, he still calls her
his daughter and is very willing to turn our lives upside down to help her through this tough time. I really couldn't ask for more out of him. When he gets home, he's still busy working on the truck and doing books for the business, but he's still a great role model for the kids. We usually try to steal away for at least an evening out on our own and that helps a lot.
Anyway, that's the reason my blogs have been silent lately. I only get a few hours a day (at the most) to myself and try to really enjoy the quiet time. I've also been working on another baby afghan. We'll have another grandchild to welcome into our family sometime around March 1st. The family in Hawaii have this little "surprise" to look forward to! Their youngest turns one today, so this next little boy will only be 16 months younger. He will also have an older sister who turned 4 in July. What a busy house they will have!! Todd and I are both so excited to see them in Hawaii for Christmas this year!!!!!