We did it yesterday, a week early, but we always do it BEFORE Easter. So of course, I had to snap some pictures!!!! We had over four dozen eggs to decorate.

Gosh, Alyssa is really growing!

And so is Angel - he doesn't have a pudgy face anymore!!!!

Todd and Jason didn't help this time, they were watching TV. I bought the newest Harry Potter (Deathly Hallows Pt. 1) when it came out, so I think that is what they were watching. Either that or "Judge Dredd" - worst movie EVER!!!! lol

But they did take time to go hide some plastic eggs I had filled with Robins Eggs, Jelly Beans and Bubble Gum. The kids were so excited!!!!!

Angel and Tyler were so funny. Right before I took this picture, they walked up to each other and tried to peek in the others bucket and bumped their heads. It was so funny - I wish I wasn't the only one who saw it happen.

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