First, here's what you'll need:

English Muffins, an egg, sliced Canadian Bacon and a slice of cheese. Oh, and a quick spray of cooking oil.
Being the "frugal" person I am, I mostly use store brand groceries. To me they taste fine, but a few things (like the cheese slices) are better with the name brand. HEB (a local grocery store) does not have plain label Canadian Bacon.
Split the muffin either with a fork or cut it with a bread knife.

We only use a toaster oven in my house, so place the muffin in the oven and toast it - I don't like mine too crispy, so I just do it a little more than a light toast.

While the muffin is toasting, find a small bowl close to the size of the muffin. (Mine is a Corelle dessert bowl.)

Spray it with the cooking spray.

Crack the egg into the bowl. Now you have to decided how you want the egg, I like it more like a scrambled egg, so I use a fork to beat it lightly.

If you don't want it that way, at least break the yolk of the egg with a fork.

Put the bowl in the microwave and cover it with a paper towel (to cut back on the mess in case it "explodes"). The first time you cook the egg, do it for three minutes, only on 20% power. This is important because if you do it full power, you'll have a mess in the microwave.

The muffin should be toasted by the time you get the egg in the microwave. Get your Canadian Bacon and slice of cheese ready. I open the door to the toaster oven and place the cheese on one part of the muffin and the canadian bacon on the other part. (I fold the corners of the cheese slice over so they don't drip to the bottom of the toaster oven.) This time I'm using two pieces of canadian bacon because I like to use packaged meat up within a week after it's opened.

Since the toaster oven is still warm, it will heat the bacon and melt the cheese when you close the door. No need to toast them again.
Here is my egg after three minutes at 20% power.

It's still shiny so needs to be cooked some more.
I put it in for another two minutes (also at 20% power).

And it's PERFECT!!!!!
Now pull the muffin out of the oven and place on a plate.

(That would be a good breakfast in itself if you were watching your cholesterol.)
Take the egg out of the bowl and place on top of the bacon, place the cheese part on top of the egg and you're done!!!! Here's how your breakfast looks:

YUM!!!!!! Not bad for a home made breakfast costing less than a dollar!!!!