Waiting for the fire to be ready:

"Is it ready yet, Papa Truck?"

Almost there.....

The kids were ready to eat LONG before the fire was ready.

Sam doesn't like her picture taken - but I wanted to get one showing the thing monitoring her heart and stuff (disclaimer: these are not medical terms! lol )

I think Todd and I were the only non-smokers there

FINALLY the fire is ready!!!!

And the making of the S'Mores begins!

And the EATING begins!!!! lol

Not many of us only had one marshmallow

And after Todd's hard work on the fire, he relaxed for a bit

(It's a good thing he doesn't ever look at my blog! LOL)
A fun time was had by all, but we only used about 1/4 of what I purchased, so we still have lots of chocolate bars, marshmallows and graham crackers left, so we'll be doing it again soon.
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