A Plea for Prayers
On Saturday we were in Stephenville celebrating Kate's college graduation. On Monday, her husband, Brandon, took a really bad fall while working. He was life-flighted to a hospital in Fort Worth around noon or one.
I'm going to copy what Kate has posted on Facebook:
12/14/09, Monday, 11:19 pm: Here's what's going on: B fell 30 ft from a top beam on an arena today and landed on the ground. Two broken ribs, bruised lungs, and a minor contusion on his brain. He's aware of his surroundings and can respond with his hands and feet when he feels like it, opened his eyes a few times, but not quite awake yet. The main goal is for the contusion not to spread. He's at Harris in Fort Worth.
12/15/09, Tuesday, 9:10 am: Here's the sitch: Another scan at 2am (looked good), he is now opening his eyes completely when the nurse wakes him and nodding his head, but he goes straight to sleep when they're done. He's going to continue to sleep for a while because his concussion is pretty severe. Just taking baby steps.
12/15/09, Tuesday, 3:16 pm: Did an MRI this morn. waiting on results. Had his eyes open earlier when i went in! And he nodded his head when I was asking him things, so that was good. How he's doped up on morphine and he is out. That's about it, no other changes.
12/15/09, Tuesday, 7:31 pm: well, he has a serious condition (DAI -Diffuse Axial Injury - basically shaken baby syndrome for adults) means most of the nerves and stuff in his head are bruised all over. It's not good, but he could be OK. He'll be out for at least six months, (no idea whether that's hospital or home care) just depends on how he does. each case is different. Was VERY upset about an hour, made some calls and the nurse called me and said he just sat straight up and pulled out his tube and he's trying to talk and he's nodding his head (I'm pretty sure this is the big thing we've been waiting for) :) So happy it's unreal. We're not out of the woods, but this just blindsided all of us, even his nurse.
12/17/09, Thursday, 6:45 pm: well, not doing so good. But it can be fixed, it will just take a while. The odd thing is, it's not his brain that's the problem yet. His body isn't getting enough oxygen. They're prolly gonna put the breathing tube back in, so everybody pray that his right lung heals.
That's all Kate's posted so far. Todd said yesterday Brandon was doing pretty good, but then today not so good. Please keep both Brandon and Kate in your prayers. Kate was so excited to bet on with the next step of their lives after graduation, so this is upsetting to say the least. I'll post more as soon as I find out anything.
This the only picture I have of them - it was at their wedding March 2008.

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