Wednesday, December 30, 2009

As 2009 comes to a close,

We get good news on Brandon - he's awake and breathing on his own and finally out of ICU (after 16 days).  Todd and I are planning to go to Fort Worth to see them this weekend.

And reflecting on the past year, the first part of the year seems to be a blur, then I quit my job in August, late Aug/early Sept I took a 10 day trip to visit family - stayed w/ my parents in Milford, saw my sister in Seward, brother in Lincoln, then went to Falls City to see Todd's mom and dad, then a couple days to Pleasant Hill, IL to see Todd's grandma, and on the way back to Texas I stopped in St. Louis to see my older brother.  Got back home and started looking for a job.  Was offered a job so accepted it, then Todd's mom went into the hospital.  The job required 30 days training that was 100% attendance mandatory.  So Todd and I decided I probably shouldn't do that since his mom was not very good, so I explained to them the situation and that I couldn't commit to not missing any training, so declined the offer.   On September 29, Todd and I decided we should head to Nebraska to see his mom.  We left early in the morning of the 30th and drove all day, arrived at the hospital at 4:50 pm and she passed away at 5:05 pm with her husband, sons, granddaughter and great-granddaughter at her bedside.  Todd and I went to IL to get his grandmother (his dad's mom) for the memorial service.  Todd's nephew was getting married a few days after that, so we stayed to attend the wedding in Kansas City the next weekend.  Said goodbye to the family and headed home on Oct 11.  We were home less than 48 hours before we received a call that Todd's grandmother passed away (on Oct 13), so that was another trip - this time to IL.  It was a quick trip - stopped in Ft. Worth to get Kate, drive all night, stay one night and start home again. During this trip, our oldest, Tabitha, was married so we had to miss it.  This time when we left, we told the family we hoped we wouldn't have to see them for a while!  Started a new job working at home, but not having a whole lot of hours, but it's better than nothing.  Dec 12 we went to Stephenville to attend Kate's college graduation (Summa Cum Laude, btw)  - we are all VERY proud of her!  Bad news again on Mon, Dec 14.  Kate's husband, Brandon, fell 30 feet while working on an arena and was life-flighted to a hospital in Fort Worth.  He was in ICU until today, and things seem to be looking up.  (I've been PRAYING for a Christmas miracle - we didn't quite get it on Christmas, but we're not complaining.)  For Christmas, Todd and I headed to Nebraska - we knew we needed to be in Falls City for most of the time for his dad, but were planning to see my family on Saturday.  We left Wed. night and drove most of the night, then the midwest was hit with a bad snowstorm and we couldn't make it to see my family :(   We even had to stay an extra day and both of us missed work on Monday.

So the last five months have been a roller-coaster of emotions.  I'm glad that 2009 will be over and hoping 2010 will be less emotional.   My parents are planning to sell the farm they moved to when I was 6 months old and will be purchasing a house in town, so that will be odd next time we head there.  But with the last snowstorm, they are ready to be off the farm.  They were without power for 5 hours and snowed in for a couple days.

I'm still debating on looking for another job.  I love working at home, but the pay is not much and I really don't feel that I'm where I'm supposed to be.  Todd really wants me to find something else, so I'll look and will pray something promising comes up.

Happy New Year, everyone!!!! 

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