(My big camera, the Canon, is packed, so all I had with me was the small Olympus, but I didn't take any pictures. So the next couple posts will be boring- lol)
Up early for breakfast with everyone. The ship has Disembarkment down to a science. They break everyone up according to when your flight leaves. So the ones with the earliest flights are the first ones off the ship. They have each group gather in a certain area (our group gathered in the Schooner Bar) and when it's time to leave, they have a crew member lead everyone off. Our group was scheduled to leave at 8:25 am. Our flight was scheduled for 1:15 pm. When you leave, you go into a big building where they have all the bags set out (but they are broken down by colors of luggage tags they gave you the night before). It wasn't hard to find ours. Then you have to go through customs - we filled out a form the night before, it asks where you live, if you are declaring any food or produce, an estimate of how much money you spent while out of the country, etc. We had a porter help us with the bags, and we just breezed through - the customs agent glanced at our form and just asked "Is this about how much you've spent?" and we said Yes, and he let us go through.
Then they put our bags in a truck and we get in shuttles for the trip to the airport. It was only a 15-20 minute ride. Once at the airport, we have to get our bags again to go through USDA Inspection. They scan your bags and I laughed when I saw the "Top 10 Insects" they are looking for plastered on the side of the scanner. After they looked at all our bags, we got little green stickers on them, and we could proceed to check in for our flights.
We found our gate and were sitting there by 9:30 am or so. We decided we wanted something to drink, so we did that and soon L found us. (B&C are spending another week in the Caribbean, on St. Lucia, so their flight wasn't until later in the day.) His flight was scheduled for 2:45 pm a couple of gates from us, so he sat with us. About 11:00, I looked at my Blackberry and saw that I had a couple of unread e-mails. They were from Delta - BAD SIGN! Our flight had been delayed until 3:15 pm. and the funny thing was, there was no announcement or anything at the gate we were sitting at. The board still said it was to depart at 1:15 pm. I read it to T & L and the guy behind me said they had gotten them, too. Most of the other people sitting at the gate had no clue unless they heard us talking about it.
Luckily Larry's plane left on time, so I gave him a big hug and told him thanks for the trip (for about the 100th time in the last week). Todd walked him over there and he got on his flight with no problems.
So, since our flight was delayed, that meant we'd miss our connecting flight in Atlanta. The email said they had re-booked us on another flight out of Atlanta at 8:15 pm. (The flight from San Juan to Atlanta is almost 4 hours.) We eventually left at 3:15 pm, got to Atlanta and went to the gate where the email said our 8:15 flight was leaving from. There was no one at the counter, but we saw a machine that said "Have you missed your flight?". All you had to do was scan your boarding pass and it would print another boarding pass for the flight you are re-booked on. OK. Scanned Todd's and it said he was on the 9:50 pm flight. Scanned mine and didn't read it because we were panicking - the late flight meant we wouldn't get to DFW until 11:15 or so and the shuttle from the hotel where the car is STOPS at 11:00 pm. The lady got to the counter, I gave her the things the machine printed out and told her the email I received said we were supposed to be booked on the 8:15 flight. She said it's full, but we'll put you on standby. Well, not much else we can do, so decided to get a sandwich and something to drink. While sitting there eating, Todd decided we might as well stay at the hotel for another night since our luggage probably won't get to the airport the same time we will. I called and had them reserve another room for Sunday night. I looked at the papers we have and noticed mine said I was on the 8:15 pm flight even though Todd's said he was on the 9:50 flights. Went back to the counter and showed her, so she printed me a boarding pass and said Todd was the first one on Stand-by for the 8:15 pm flight. We decided if I have to go first, I might as well, and Todd would take a cab to the hotel if he needed to. Turns out we both got on the flight - I sat in row 6 which was first class :D and
Todd was in coach. Not the best, but at least we were on the same flight!
So we get to DFW and down to baggage claim. I see the Delta worker with some bags that have been there a while and noticed one was Todd's! Apparently it made it to DFW on our original flight (how, we can't figure out). We waited until all the bags were out from our flight. Of course, mine was no where to be found. Spoke w/ the Delta guy again and told him we're staying in DFW tonight, so if it gets here before 9 am, deliver it to the hotel. If not, they'll have to get it to us in Georgetown.
Luckily, the shuttle from the hotel was still at the airport, so they came to get us and we got to the hotel just before 11 pm. We were hungry, so ran to get something to eat and back to the hotel. We didn't get to sleep until after midnight. The front desk called at 1:45 am to let me know the bag was there (YAY!!!), so I ran down to get it and went back to sleep.
We slept until about 8 am on Monday. Todd figured traffic would be bad, and we weren't supposed to be at work until the afternoon anyway, so no rush to get up and going really early. The hotel had hot breakfast for everyone, so I had scrambled eggs, bacon and bagel/cream cheese. And off we went for the trek back to Georgetown.
I called my (new) boss on the way home to see if it would be OK if I just wait until Tuesday to go in and he said OK. (YAY again!) We stopped to get Brute on the way home (I missed him SOOO MUCH!!!!) and something to eat. Todd ate quickly and left for work. I unpacked everything and got laundry separated and started, then got my menu done for the week and went to get groceries.
And we're back to reality...... Todd hasn't been feeling well, actually both him and L have had sore throats and coughs. Not sure where they picked it up, but I'm feeling fine. I'm hoping they both are feeling better soon.
Next post will be about the cruise, traveling and what I'd do different next time.
I've decided to break my blog into two separate ones - one for personal family stuff and one for my sewing activities and such. My sewing and craft blog can be found at: http://jylslife.blogspot.com/
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Cruise Journal - Day 7 - St. Thomas U.S.V.I. - 6/19/10
Royal Caribbean International cruise June 13 to 20, 2010
Serenade of the Seas
Today's Compass

Some more of the TV channel showing where we are:

We arrived in St. Thomas on time. The ship has to go “through” channels to get to the pier inside the island. The pier is really pretty - lots of scenery and water on both sides of the ship. We were eating breakfast w/ B, C & L while arriving, and it started to rain.
(Just to show that I do actually let Todd use my camera - he took this of L and I while having breakfast in the Wind Jammer):


This yacht was outside our balcony
Lots of excursions were canceled. We (me, T & L) were just going to go shopping, so we decided to wait a while to see if the rain let up. Soon after, there was a break in the rain, so we decided to chance it and go ashore.
The shopping area was very close to the pier and there were LOTS of shops.

T and I were talking about getting me something for me for our 12th anniversary that was earlier this month (the 8th), so we decided it would be neat to get something on the cruise. We stopped into one of the jewelry shops in St.Thomas to see what they had. I have been wanting diamond stud earrings for a while, so we decided to look at them. The guy showed us some that were on sale and we picked out a pair. They are white-gold, which I don't have any of, but we got a better quality diamond in WG instead of YG. .75 ct total
They were about 1/3 of what the retail price is, so we’re hoping we got a good deal. After that, we looked around some more shops. I was running out of clothes, so bought a new T-shirt there. L was tired and done shopping, so he went back to the ship while T and I walked around some more. There was a butterfly farm close to the pier, also, so we decided to go there. Unfortunately, it was closed. We’re guessing it was due to weather, but the sign didn’t say - but it did say “Open all cruise ship days”. (????) Anyway, we walked around some more, took a few more pictures,

Then we decided to go back to the ship. Called L to see if he was ready for lunch and he was, so we went to the WJ. That afternoon I think we sat around relaxing and doing nothing, getting travelers checks cashed and getting the tip envelopes ready for wait staff and stateroom attendant.
The Galley Tour that came with the purchase of the Cookbook was at 4 pm. It was a lot of fun!
While we were waiting for everyone to get there, I snapped some pictures of the nearly empty dining room.

The upper part of the dining room is for people who chose "My Time Dining" - which meant they could go eat whenever they wanted, they were not assigned either 6 pm or 8:30 pm.

The Head Chef started the tour:

Carved watermelons waiting to be displayed:

Our group was so big, they decided to divide us into two different groups. While waiting for the Head Sous Chef to come, we were listening to the Head Chef.

Mathew (his name is Joseph Mathew, but they call him Mathew) finally got there, so we went down to the galley on Deck 4 (we started out on Deck 5)

He was so funny!!!! (He's from India)

Showing how they set up the plates to start the desserts - they fill the entire top with plates!

For each dessert, they have instructions and a picture of how the final product needs to look. This one is for Portofino's - a specialty restaurant they have on the ship. You have to pay an additional charge to eat there, but it's supposed to be really good.

Then we went to see where they bake ALL the bread - it smelled SOOO GOOD!!!!

Made for a presentation:

I thought this sign was funny since it's in the kitchen!

Dinner was at 6 again and our last night with the wait staff.
Carpeze Salad:

Scallops & Risoto:

Roasted Garlic!!!! It was good! (I don't remember what the name of the appetizer was)

No, I didn't eat all of these, I took pictures of some other people's food. lol
The whole wait staff came together again for us

Then dessert was served (we also had coffee with dessert every night)

Raspberry something

And some kind of chocolate cake

(I have to say I was kind of disappointed with this dessert. I have one via Pioneer Woman that is much better - Molten Chocolate Lava Cake .)
We gave out the tip envelopes (L prepaid, but T & I decided to give them a little extra, too.)

Our tablemates!! They were so nice! I really enjoyed getting to know them!

Luke and Michael.

After supper, it was time to go pack to get ready to leave tomorrow. I let Todd pack first since he wanted to go to the casino while I packed. We had to have the bags out in the hallway no later than 11 pm. After I was done packing, I thought about going to play bingo again, but was too tired. I watched Julie & Julia again (I actually never watched the entire movie all at once, just bits and pieces, but I think I saw most of it) and fell asleep by 10.
Tomorrow we get up early to disembark. :-( Then the flights home......
Total nautical miles of the cruise: 1503. 8 days at sea . (Hoping I'll be able to add to this!)
Serenade of the Seas
Today's Compass

Some more of the TV channel showing where we are:

We arrived in St. Thomas on time. The ship has to go “through” channels to get to the pier inside the island. The pier is really pretty - lots of scenery and water on both sides of the ship. We were eating breakfast w/ B, C & L while arriving, and it started to rain.
(Just to show that I do actually let Todd use my camera - he took this of L and I while having breakfast in the Wind Jammer):


This yacht was outside our balcony

Lots of excursions were canceled. We (me, T & L) were just going to go shopping, so we decided to wait a while to see if the rain let up. Soon after, there was a break in the rain, so we decided to chance it and go ashore.

The shopping area was very close to the pier and there were LOTS of shops.

T and I were talking about getting me something for me for our 12th anniversary that was earlier this month (the 8th), so we decided it would be neat to get something on the cruise. We stopped into one of the jewelry shops in St.Thomas to see what they had. I have been wanting diamond stud earrings for a while, so we decided to look at them. The guy showed us some that were on sale and we picked out a pair. They are white-gold, which I don't have any of, but we got a better quality diamond in WG instead of YG. .75 ct total

Then we decided to go back to the ship. Called L to see if he was ready for lunch and he was, so we went to the WJ. That afternoon I think we sat around relaxing and doing nothing, getting travelers checks cashed and getting the tip envelopes ready for wait staff and stateroom attendant.
The Galley Tour that came with the purchase of the Cookbook was at 4 pm. It was a lot of fun!
While we were waiting for everyone to get there, I snapped some pictures of the nearly empty dining room.

The upper part of the dining room is for people who chose "My Time Dining" - which meant they could go eat whenever they wanted, they were not assigned either 6 pm or 8:30 pm.

The Head Chef started the tour:

Carved watermelons waiting to be displayed:

Our group was so big, they decided to divide us into two different groups. While waiting for the Head Sous Chef to come, we were listening to the Head Chef.

Mathew (his name is Joseph Mathew, but they call him Mathew) finally got there, so we went down to the galley on Deck 4 (we started out on Deck 5)

He was so funny!!!! (He's from India)

Showing how they set up the plates to start the desserts - they fill the entire top with plates!

For each dessert, they have instructions and a picture of how the final product needs to look. This one is for Portofino's - a specialty restaurant they have on the ship. You have to pay an additional charge to eat there, but it's supposed to be really good.

Then we went to see where they bake ALL the bread - it smelled SOOO GOOD!!!!

Made for a presentation:

I thought this sign was funny since it's in the kitchen!

Dinner was at 6 again and our last night with the wait staff.
Carpeze Salad:

Scallops & Risoto:

Roasted Garlic!!!! It was good! (I don't remember what the name of the appetizer was)

No, I didn't eat all of these, I took pictures of some other people's food. lol
The whole wait staff came together again for us

Then dessert was served (we also had coffee with dessert every night)

Raspberry something

And some kind of chocolate cake

(I have to say I was kind of disappointed with this dessert. I have one via Pioneer Woman that is much better - Molten Chocolate Lava Cake .)
We gave out the tip envelopes (L prepaid, but T & I decided to give them a little extra, too.)

Our tablemates!! They were so nice! I really enjoyed getting to know them!

Luke and Michael.

After supper, it was time to go pack to get ready to leave tomorrow. I let Todd pack first since he wanted to go to the casino while I packed. We had to have the bags out in the hallway no later than 11 pm. After I was done packing, I thought about going to play bingo again, but was too tired. I watched Julie & Julia again (I actually never watched the entire movie all at once, just bits and pieces, but I think I saw most of it) and fell asleep by 10.
Tomorrow we get up early to disembark. :-( Then the flights home......
Total nautical miles of the cruise: 1503. 8 days at sea . (Hoping I'll be able to add to this!)
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