Serenade of the Seas
Roseau, Dominica (This post is VERY PICTURE HEAVY!)
Today's Compass:

Todd came in early this morning from the casino (1 am or so). I was asleep WAY before then, so I was up at 7 am. The ship was getting close to Dominica, so I took lots of pictures. It is such a pretty island! Lots of mountains and TONS of trees. I'm wishing we would have taken an excursion to see the rain forest.

(Love the boats in this picture!!!)

The umbrellas are all the vendors

(Another one of my favorites)

I think I'd like to live in this house! Could you imagine the great view?!?!?!?!

Out our balcony window:

I got a good picture of Captain Karin in the bridge while we were pulling into port.

Called L to let him know he could come watch from our balcony, so he did, then it was off to breakfast.
It was busy and everyone wanted to sit to see the island, but we did eventually get a table next to the window. Michael, our Asst. Waiter in the Main Dining Room, was working the coffee cart at breakfast, so we said HI. (Most of the crew members work anywhere between 4 to 6 months straight, then they have 2 months off to go home and spend time with their family. They work HARD!)
About 9 am we went on shore with L to do some shopping and to take some pictures.
This is what happens when I told them to act like they are having fun.

He's so funny!!! It was great to be able to spend so much time with him.
I had to snap some pictures of the ship while we were on shore.

Our balcony! (We woke up this morning and one of the flags was gone - must have been pretty windy out!)

Larry got tired after just a little while, so he headed back to the ship and Todd and I shopped some more, then got back to the ship about 10am. We got a snack at the Wind Jammer and decided to eat a late lunch at about 1 pm. We were walking through the Solarium (pool area for people 16 and over) and saw C sitting there, so we talked a little. T wanted to take a nap, so I changed into my swimsuit, got my book and went to join C by the pool. We visited a little and I actually took a little nap. The four of us (L, C, T and I) went to lunch at 1. B wasn't back yet from his scuba dive and C wanted to go ashore. We decided we'd go together at 2 if B wasn't back yet. At 2 I met them at the elevator, and decided to go ahead and go ashore again and take some more pictures (I had put the other lens on the camera) and maybe do some more shopping. Before we split, I wanted to take a quick picture of B&C.

It's HARD to get that big ship in one picture!

After getting back to the ship, T and I watched "UP" on TV, then it was time to get ready for the last formal night in the dining room. Just before going to supper, the ship left Dominica and there was a BEAUTIFUL rainbow, so I had to take a bunch of pictures.

Another one of my favorite pictures!

((I have 42 pictures of the rainbow))

Supper was excellent, as usual. Tonight we had Lobster Tails and Prime Rib.
Another towel animal was waiting for us in the stateroom when we got back from dinner - this time a Turtle!

We went the the casino after dinner for a little while. They had "Gambling with the Stars" - the Captain, Head Chef and Chief Financial Officer all came in to deal at the tables for a little bit. Then we decided to go to the "Vibe*ology" (A journey through popular music from Elvis and the Beatles to Cher and Janet Jackson. Featuring the Serenade of the Seas Orchestra) in the main theater. It was good, I think I enjoyed it more than the other ones we've seen. They had a crew talent show after than, then "The Quest" was at 11:15. Both were good and the Quest was REALLY FUNNY!
When we were done at the Quest, I headed back to the cabin and T headed to the casino.
(Sorry for all the pictures - I took 357 just while we were in Dominica - that's how pretty the island was!)
Tomorrow is our last stop, St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands - I can't believe we're getting to the end of the week! ;-(
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