On to some pictures:
Here is the whole garden as of t his morning:

And some closer pictures:
Here are the green beans - some of what I planted first didn't grow, so I went back last weekend and replanted some more seeds - they are just now starting to come up.

This is the Cesar Lettuce (for me, I like darker lettuce)

This is lettuce for Todd - he likes the lighter stuff

I found a plastic half whiskey barrel and decided to try some potatoes. I'm not sure how they will do, but we're trying. These won't be ready until fall.

Some of the second planting of Red Onions (from bulbs) - the ones I planted in containers are doing better than what I planted in the raised bed - go figure!

One of the Heatmaster Tomato Plants - there's a tiny tomato just starting (it wasn't there yesterday).

I looked and looked for an Orange Bell Pepper plant (because that's Todd's favorite), but couldn't find any. At Home Depot a couple weeks ago, we find a packet of seeds for red, orange and yellow peppers, so I planted some of them, hoping at least one is an orange one. They are FINALLY coming up!!!!

I decided to do a second planting of radishes

Todd also wanted some carrots. We found a packet of seeds for miniature carrots - they only grow to about three inches.

Second planting of green onions and the Salsa Pepper Plant

Our first big tomato!!!!!! Can't wait for it to be ready to eat!

The Cherry Tomato plant has had a couple small tomatoes on it for a week now - hoping they turn red soon!

Green Pepper plant, first planting of Radishes, Cucumbers (still need to build a trellis), and the cherry tomato plant

Second planting of Red Onions, Cilantro (great in eggs for breakfast), Zucchini (also needs trellis), Green Pepper Plant.

So that's it for now! Hoping everything stays healthy and happy!!!! Very anxious to start harvesting!