I decided to post our meal plan for the week. I started doing this a while ago because when I worked full-time (and after Todd came home), I always forgot to get something out of the freezer for supper and then I'd panic, or I couldn't figure out what to make each night. It seemed like I made the same things all the time. After that, I signed up at
Meal Time Makeover (endorsed by Dave Ramsey) for a few months and got lots of good, new recipes. It gives you a meal for each day of the week, the recipe and grocery list that you can print out each week - so it made things SO MUCH easier for me!
Since then, I've kinda made the same concept for me, but we now have much more variety for supper. However, since we bought a new gas grill a few weeks ago and this week is supposed to be really hot, I tried to do a lot of meals on the grill.
So here's our menu for the week of 7/31 to 8/6/10:
Saturday: Lunch: Left overs
Dinner: Out (we only eat out once a week or less)
Sunday: Lunch: Mushroom Swiss Burgers (on Grill)
Sweet Potato Fries (on Grill)
Dinner: Salmon (on Grill)
Green Beans
Monday: Dinner: Chicken Kabobs (on Grill) (marinated chicken, red pepper, red onion and marinated mushrooms)
Tuesday: Dinner: Steak (on Grill)
Sautéed Mushrooms
New Potatoes
Wednesday: Dinner: BBQ Chicken Thighs (on Grill) - trying new recipe
Grilled Zucchini
Thursday: Dinner: Burritos
Charro Beans (made last weekend, need to eat)
Spanish Rice
Friday: Dinner: Sausage (on Grill)
Todd takes leftover for lunch every day, so I do usually make more than enough for us. I usually have leftovers or a sandwich for lunch.
Today we're going to Walburg to meet with a Thrivent rep to get our IRA's started and hopefully he'll be able to help us out with a Health Savings Account. Todd signed up for one back in March when his company was bought out and they've been taking money out of his paychecks, but never got an account set up for us. This week they finally said we could do one on our own, but our bank in town doesn't do them. I looked online and Thrivent does, so we'll talk to him about that, too.
In other news, our new Plasma TV that we bought in March quit working last night. It doesn't turn on at all, so Philips is going to pay for someone to come out to the house to fix it. Good thing it happened now while it's under warranty!
This morning while Todd's at work, I'm getting groceries, then back home to hopefully hear from the company about setting up a time to come fix the TV and getting other things ready for our meals this week. I don't buy taco seasoning anymore, I found a recipe online and make it at home!!! Along with Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning, Lipton Onion Soup mix and a mix to make Spicy Hamburgers (bought the original stuff at a craft show and it's hard to find). Anything to save a buck!!!!
Brute got his hair cut again yesterday, but this time they didn't charge us because they nicked him! He's got a little cut on one of his back legs where it meets his body. It doesn't seem to hurt him too much and doesn't bleed, but the poor thing! I haven't decided yet if I'm going to take him back there next time or not. Usually if I take him early in the morning, they have him done around noon. Yesterday I took him at 8:30 am and didn't pick him up until 4:00 pm. When I dropped him off, I asked her how long it would take and she said she had four dogs in front of him to do - so I don't know why she had me drop him off so early! That should have been a hint. Anyway, busy weekend and I need to get going.
Have a wonderful week everyone! And let me know if any of the dinners sound good and you want me to take a picture!