Our Christmas was supposed to start out on Christmas Eve with Tab, Sam and their families coming over for Chili, grilled cheese sandwiches, cheese ball and punch. Unfortunately, Angel ended up sick so Tab took him to the hospital to be checked out, but instead of giving him medicine, he ended up being sent to Dell Children's Hospital in Austin for the night, so they were not able to come over. He had a little bit of pnemonia in his lung and they wanted to watch him close. He had a breathing treatment (or two?), then ended up going home on Christmas Day afternoon. I sent their presents with Sam, so they could get together while Todd and I were gone. Tyler received a Wii for Christmas from an aunt and uncle, so they had fun all playing together.
Todd and I woke early (3:00 am) on Thursday for our drive to Nebraska. We decided to take a different route this time (well, TODD Decided). Instead of staying on the interstate, toll roads and such, we kind of took the back roads, still highways but much more scenic. It took us longer so we didnt arrive in Falls City until about 7:30 pm. Of course, we had both dogs with us on the trip so each time we stopped for gas or anything, we had to get them out to relieve themselves and to give them a little exercise, so that took a little longer. Here are a couple pictures I snapped on the way - I think these are in NorthEastern Kansas:

It was really nice to see Todd's grandmother and parents! His mom ended up going to the Dr. on Wednesday, and was told she had to do NOTHING for the next few days, so I was assigned to be the cook while we were there. It was kind of fun having someone just tell me what to do instead of having to decide everything. It was tiring, but still lots of fun. Todd's brother and his family came on Friday, then Megan, Dave & McKenna were there on Friday, too (I think). Anyway, we did get some FIVE Generation pictures.

Kate, Todd youngest, and her hubby came, too, so we had the gift exchange. We both received lots of good stuff as always.
On Saturday night, Todd and I drove to Beatrice NE to meet my parents and get Mom's old industrial sewing machine!!!! We drove through a brief snow storm, but the roads weren't bad. Falls City had a blanket of ICE Saturday morning when we woke up, so I was worried the roads would be bad, but a few miles out of FC the roads were cleared. It was windy and COLD when we met Mom and Dad to change the machine from their PU to ours, so after Todd had it tied down, we went to RUNZA for a quick supper. (We don't have them in Texas, so that is a MUST place to eat when we are up north.) Todd and I had a tough time getting the machine unloaded when we got home last night, but it worked and it's in the garage waiting to be cleaned and oiled before it gets used. I can't even explain how excited I am to have it! I can't WAIT TO SEW ON IT!!!!!!!! Here is what it looks like now:

Mom also gave me her button maker!

It needs to be sanded or something, but I can't wait to use it! For a while Mom used to recover furniture and redo car interiors, so that is what she used the machine for. I remember both her and Dad working in the barn and going out to help or watch. That was a LONG time ago!!!!
Anyway, Todd's brother also took some pictures of our dogs, Buddy and Brute. Their first "Photoshoots". I hope he lets me have a couple of the pictures so I can post them on here, but we'll see. He was going to do some editing so I'll give him a couple weeks before I e-mail him.
We left Sunday morning at 5:50am and arrived at home about 7:30 pm or so. It was after 8:00pm until we got the boys (dogs) settled and the PU unloaded. We were both exhausted so crawled into bed early since we had to work today.
After work I went to the gym for an hour or so, then we went to grab a bite to eat and get groceries. I made a chicken pot pie for supper tomorrow. It's in the refrigerator so all we have to do is cook it tomorrow. I'm working on laundry since nothing was done over the weekend, but will head to bed and hope I have something to wear to work tomorrow!
P.S. - If you have a couple minutes, you can click on the ads I have on the blog and help me earn some extra $$ to go towards my sewing expenses!!! LOL Thanks a bunch!
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