We FINALLY got some rain yesterday! About an inch, but we are still 15 or 20 inches below normal for the last couple of years. It's also been raining off and on today, so things will really green up around here! The bad part of the rain is the dogs come inside muddy and we have to clean them up so they don't track mud through the whole house.
And speaking of the dogs, I don't know if I've ever posted pictures of our dogs, so I will now.This is Buddy - he's about 11 in people years, which means he's getting old and probably won't be around for much longer. He's part SharPei and we're not sure what else. He's Todd's dog.

A this is my little boy!!!! BRUTE!!!! He's pure Yorkshire Terrier. His birthday is August 23, 2001, we got him in September 2001, the same weekend we bought our 2001 Dodge Ram - the deal was Todd got his truck if I could get my puppy. He was just over one pound when we brought him home. :D Isn't he ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!
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