Friday, May 22, 2009

Happy 2009!!!! (1/7/09)

It's been busy around our house with me going to the gym every day after work. I tried sewing on my new machine on Sunday, but it was acting up to Todd worked on it for a while. I took apart an old leather jacket I paid $6 for at Mom's church thrift shop in Nebraska, and am in the process of making it into a new gym bag. The first one I made it still great, just a little bit too big. The leather one will be the same style, just slightly smaller. I found some really cool pink and white skull fabric at WalMart that will be the lining. I have the lining all done, just need to get the outside sewn, just one night should pretty much do it. The problem is that I'm so wiped out by the time I get home from the gym, eat supper and take a shower. Also, the new machine is still out in the garage and it's been cold here!!! 40 degrees is cold to people who live in Texas!! Today it's warmer, so I may go out and try to get some done on it tonight. As soon as I get it done, I'll take pictures and post them.
I did get some presents today from Kinsey Interiors - the interior design place in our shopping center that I buy my upholstery fabric from. They brought over five or so books of fabric samples. Not big pieces that I can make purses from, but lots of neat fabrics that I can make wallets or pillows out of. I'll try to take some pictures of them when I have a minute.
Other than that, Todd and I went to early church on Sunday. They were starting a Sunday School class called "Fireproof Your Marriage". It's based on a movie that was out in September (I had never heard of it), and is coming out on DVD later in January. It looks good and it was fun to be in a big room with lots of other couples taling about marriage and how hard it can be at times. I think we'll be done about the time the DVD comes out, so hopefully someone will buy it so we can all see it or I can find it somewhere to rent or buy for cheap.
That's all that's been going on in our part of the woods . Sorry I don't have any new pictures to post. :(

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